Your Features Have Arrived!

Diposting oleh Greatest on Senin, 27 Februari 2006

Hello members! You may have noticed we were down for a while upgrading the site. We listened to you and added in a few of the most requested features. We also added a bunch of things in the background that will make the site faster.

Personalized Profiles

Tired of not being able to choose which picture goes on your profile? Well breathe a sigh of relief, you can now select a main profile video. While you're at it, change how your profile looks with custom skins. Then post a bulletin about it (and maybe attach a video) and it will appear on all of your friend's profiles. Finally, you can direct people to your snazzy new profile with your new easy to remember URL (e.g. where they can leave you comments about how cool it is.

View Your Profile | Edit Your Profile

Hello Fans!

Members have been begging us to let them see who has marked their videos as a Favorite. Who are your fans? Click the My Videos link to see the number of "fans" each video has, then click on the number to see who they are!

Better Searching

In addition to searching through members, groups and videos, you can now search playlists! Plus we added a bunch of filters so that you can sort search results by any or all of the following: Title, Time Added, Number of Views, Rating, Username (when searching members) and Group Name (when searching groups).

Continuous Play

Playlists are a great way to organize a bunch of different YouTube videos all in one place. Now you can you search for playlists, and when you find one you like, you can play it continuously with the new Play All button! Then you can share it or embed it on a website.

Manage Your Playlists

Import Contacts

Thanks to some clever software called Plaxo, you can import friends and contacts automatically from Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook, and others. Just click the "Import email addresses" link from the "Invite Your Friends" page!

Premium Content Registration

Professional producers like television networks, movie studios and record labels are now able to join YouTube and take advantage of special branding and features. So keep an eye out for a lot of cool new videos!

Premium Content Registration

A Word on Safety

In the last two months we've gone from 3 million videos a day to 25 million (and counting!). You never know who is going to see what you post. With that in mind, we've put together some tips for staying safe on YouTube and helping out your fellow members, check it out.

That's it for now! Stay tuned, and keep broadcasting!

The YouTube Team
More aboutYour Features Have Arrived!

Lazy Sunday

Diposting oleh Greatest on Kamis, 16 Februari 2006

Hi Tubers! NBC recently contacted YouTube and asked us to remove Saturday Night Live's "Lazy Sunday: Chronicles of Narnia" video. We know how popular that video is but YouTube respects the rights of copyright holders. You can still watch SNL's "Lazy Sunday" video for free on NBC's website.

Some good news: we are happy to report that YouTube is now serving up more than 15 million videos streamed per day- that's nearly 465M videos streamed per month with 20,000 videos being uploaded daily.

Keep broadcasting!

More aboutLazy Sunday

It's Hammer Time!

Diposting oleh Greatest on Jumat, 10 Februari 2006

Things are really picking up around here. Not only are we adding servers and bandwidth as fast as we can, we're also pleased to report that last month's kitchen sink upgrade was successfully integrated into the snack area and we hope to have that dirty dishes bug patched shortly.

As if we didn't have enough reasons to be excited, the other night we got a visit from MC HAMMER! Hammer came by the office to lend a hand and showed us the sweet new video for his song Look. While Hammer was here he dropped some serious science about the recording industry and taught us the difference between Hyphy, Thizz and Krumping. Check out the video, it's totally hyphy (see??). We gave him the grand tour and of course shot some video. Be sure to check out our awesome giant-curtain-wall-substitutes and the crazy tribal pattern we pimped our office walls with (it actually represents bandwidth but we all got it tattooed on our ankles anyway).

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425"

More aboutIt's Hammer Time!