Directed by Frank Miller and based on the comic by Will Eisner, The Spirit tells the story of a rookie cop who returns from beyond the grave to fight evil in Central City. So, for the next two weeks we'll be featuring four shorts that reflect the film's spooky subject matter and comic book roots.
In "The Aviatrix," the only escape for a young woman woman living with cancer exists in the form of her comic book alter ego. A young couple attempting to salvage their marriage by dressing as superheroes find themselves faced with an even greater task after being unexpectedly forced out of their apartment in "Super Powers." Based on a 19th century urban legend, "Spring-Heeled Jack" tells the story of a goblin who steals the voices of naughty children. Finally, a little girl overlooked by everyone in her village takes her savage revenge in "The Little Girl Who Was Forgotten."
Happy viewing!
Sara P.
YouTube Film