2007: Get Set, Go!

Diposting oleh Greatest on Jumat, 05 Januari 2007

Now that our hangovers have worn off and we’ve picked all the confetti out of our hair, it’s time to get down to business. We’ve got big plans for 2007, and while we can’t reveal all the details of our quest, we did want to let you get a whiff of what’s cooking.

First and foremost, we heard you loud and clear when you told us you don’t necessarily want more features added to the site, you just want the current features to be working well. High on our list of priorities is ensuring that private messages work the way you expect them to and it doesn’t take eons to reply to one.

We’re also aware of how frustrating it can be when you have a question or an issue and you get stuck in automated reply hell. We’re going to strengthen communication internally so that your biggest concerns are heard by the people who can fix them. And then we’re going to improve how we communicate with you – if we don’t address your issue via a personal email response, you can check this blog for more frequent general updates.

In short, we want you to know that we’re listening to you and doing our best to give you a site that you find as essential as oxygen. We’ll be tapping power users to help guide us along the way (more on that later), and we’ll be launching new programming initiatives that will encourage you to speak your minds, to show your limitless creativity, to reach out to us and to each other. I can't wait.

Be back soon,


The YouTube Team