You can check out all the details of this year's contest on our Sketchies II channel page: how to enter, what you can win and the deadlines you simply can't miss. If you love to make comedy videos, this is your chance to shine. And it doesn't hurt to have a bit of a competitive streak, because the winner of all that cash is going to have to survive the first round of voting, then make a second video for the final Sketchies II showdown. Last year's contest drew over 5,000 entries and saw many talented video makers rise to the challenge.
Sketchies veterans Lisa Nova and last year's winners, Awkward Pictures, are set to kick off the program and get the comedy rolling. If you need a little extra inspiration, check out last year's winning video:
Think you can do better? Then show the world, and you could end up living your big-bucks comedy dreams.
Mark D.
YouTube Comedy