On to New Hampshire...

Diposting oleh Greatest on Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

In case you hadn't noticed, this is the first presidential election in history in which voters have had the ability to videotape and post footage from the campaign trail and share it easily with others on a mass scale. Today, as voters in New Hampshire go to the polls for their first-in-the-nation primary, citizens from across the U.S. are weighing in on the race through YouTube -- and the discussion is fascinating.

Just like we did with the Des Moines Register in Iowa, we are partnering with a local media outlet, WMUR-TV, in Manchester, NH, to collect voter videos from Granite Staters. The idea is to give those of us who aren't voting today a front row seat to all the action. Here are some of the best videos that have been uploaded so far:

In fact, WMUR-TV is airing many of your videos during their primary news coverage, and their YouTube channel will continue to host videos that give a voter's-eye-view of the New Hampshire primaries all day today and for the rest of the week. You can also study up on the candidates on our You Choose '08 platform.


Steve G. aka Citizentube

YouTube News & Politics